Fox company forums

Please read before posting.
At the bottom of this page is a link to the Fox Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment discussion forum. We welcome anyone interested in joining the unit―or anyone looking for further information on Fox Company or the 101st Airborne in general―to explore the forums. You must create a profile in order to post and/or reply on the forums.
Before you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the link, please read over all the listed suggestions for persons reading and posting for the first time.
New users to the forum must read over the new-recruit information posted under the general category within the forums. Please do this before posting an introduction.
Read through all the forum topics for answers regarding questions you may have. Our members are very knowledgeable and possible questions may have already been addressed.
Keep content relevant to the area of discussion. Posting questions about an upcoming event should not be asked in the gear and authenticity section of the forums, etc.
If you do have questions to which you were unable to find answers, ask! New recruits often ask questions about where to get appropriate gear, what to bring to events, etc. Unit members are very helpful in answering all inquiries.
Many of our unit members have known each other for years and have developed close friendships. Therefore, you may see various “terms of endearment” between current members. Please don’t assume this means you can chime in with jokes and put-downs simply because you have signed up on the forums. Such comments can be taken out of context―especially online―and may not be well received by other parties. Keep your comments professional and polite until we get to know you.
Inappropriate comments, discussion of illegal activities, extremist ideals and personal attacks on other members of the forum will not be tolerated. Such incidents will result in disciplinary action and possible banishment from the forum and unit in general. These types of infractions are extremely rare, but we strive to maintain a level of integrity with everything we do. Such comments and activity reflect negatively upon our unit and the hobby as a whole.
Use good judgment when it comes to posting. We have veterans and their families visit our forums from time to time and want to present an honorable image. If you feel a comment may offend someone within the unit, it is best not to post it.
Thank you for your interest in our unit. We look forward to your contributions and enthusiasm. We encourage you to read, learn and become an active participant with “Fighting” Fox Company.
Click below to be forwarded to the forums.